Preserving Our Heritage Campaign

George Bayard

Grand Rapids Nonprofit

$30.00 Raised of $20K Goal

Raised by 2 people in 6 years

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Preserving Our Heritage Campaign

The Story

We want you to feel invested in this museum. We are forming a well dedicated and passionate staff and board. It will take everyone's participation to make this, our first museum, successful. This community has a rich history and we will tell the world about it. Our museum will be a safe, eco-friendly, shared space where knowledge will flow for all. We want Grand Rapids African American Museum & Archives to endure for years and need your help to make that possible. We will be contacting you soon for ways you might serve. This site will give you an opportunity to donate you money, artifacts or your time to help us move to the next level. Our dream is to be in a 15,000 square foot building by 2020 an we need your help . Visit us at our current location ,87 Monroe Center, Grand Rapids MI and help us move to the new location in a few years.

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Fundraiser Updates(1)

about 6 years ago

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