Grand Haven Boys Basketball Program

Robert Worthington

West Olive Sports

$75.00 Raised of $11K Goal

Raised by 4 people in 7 years

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Grand Haven Boys Basketball Program

The Story

Family, friends and fans of Grand Haven Basketball,


Thank you for taking the time to watch our video and view our fundraising page.  We are kindly asking for donations so that we can reward the hard work of our student-athletes by giving them the best possible high school athletic experience. Any support is greatly appreciated!  


Also, please spread the word about our fundraiser by sharing it with your friends on social media -- twitter, facebook, instagram, etc. Some items that we are hoping to purchase with your help include: basketballs, training equipment, warm-ups, basketball rack, video analysis technology, transportation, team record boards, and more.


Thank you for your consideration!


Grand Haven Boys Basketball Program

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Fundraiser Updates(1)

about 7 years ago

Here is our team's video.

Current view 10 to 1 records


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